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Send Audio messages Instead of Text Messages


We are so used to sending text messages, whether that happens via social media apps or IM apps.

We are excellent in writing words and sentences with the help of the touchscreen.

This is one of the reasons we are often hunched over staring at our small rectangular object.

A strategy I use to stare less at my screen, is to use the audio feature.

IM apps like WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook Messenger all have this audio option available.

There are a few advantages to using this feature.

Firstly, you use your voice to convey a message. You will be able to express yourself properly.

Your voice will contain all the necessary emotions. No need for emojis.

Secondly, it’s more personal. You’ve invested time in creating this audio which takes courage, time and effort.

Thirdly, you don’t need to stare at your screen when you’re speaking. You can look around you and speak.

Lastly, you can oftentimes lock the audio function, meaning you don’t need to keep pressing the function with your thumb or finger anymore to have it activated.

You can just lock the feature when it’s enabled so you can speak in peace.

So what are you waiting for? Make your messages more personal.

Make one effective message which will save minutes of texting and texting and texting….

A bonus advantage: you don’t need to hunch over anymore!