do not disturb dnd iphone

How To Set Up the Do Not Disturb Feature


Do Not Disturb (DND) is a must feature every single person owning a smartphone should use.

This feature is imperative to a healthy relationship with your device, or at least the start of it.

Control your phone’s efforts to interrupt you.

Tell your phone when it should get some sleep as well.

When it’s time to focus, your phone can go to sleep.

When you go to bed to sleep, allow your phone to sleep as well.

So enable DND asap in the settings if this hasn’t happened yet.

Schedule Do Not Disturb.

Dim the Lock Screen.

Set Silence to Always.

Allow Calls From Favorites.

Have a small Favorites list containing only  your nearest and dearest of course!

Decide whether you want to enable or disable repeated calls, depending on your situation.

Take this feature serious and train your smartphone to leave you in peace when necessary.

Own your focus, energy and time so both you and your phone can have some alone time.