meaningful inspiration social media

Spread Your Message When it’s Meaningful and Inspirational


Social media can be used for good. I use social media to remind people not to use social media so much.

Social media is used as a vehicle to spread my message, to reach a larger audience.

Do I use social media as a journal where I present my day to day activities to my followers? No.

Even if I wanted to, there is no time. There are too many other priorities I need to attend to.

My priorities connect with my values, what I stand for, how I perceive my life and how I want my life to look like.

Social media is used, instead of it using me. It isn’t distracting me from the activities I need to act on, it is doing the opposite: it enhances my life because of the way I use it.

If you have a business, mission, brand, or calling that the world should know about, you can use social media.

Not that you have to, but if used cautiously social media can be used as leverage.

In the words of Marie Forleo: The world needs that special gift that only you have 

Do you have a message that will impact people’s lives in a positive way? Do you want to share your experiences and how you’ve dealt with hardships with people who are currently in that situation you were in?

Share your message, do the world a service and present yourself and your mission. It’s a form of self-expression.

If you’re an avid social media user who does post about food, nightlife escapades, and online purchases, why not convert the type of posts in something more meaningful?

Social media can be powerful, but only when used mindfully and wisely.


Are you using Twitter? Follow me and remind yourself not to waste too much of your precious time on Twitter.